New release: The Lord and the Banshee

I’ve noticed that a book on preorder goes live at 7:00 pm New Zealand time. This is not usually a problem, but New Zealand is also a day ahead, so as I write this it is evening, October 31st and I keep having to answer the door to trick or treaters. 

Halloween is a pretty new phenomenon in New Zealand, or at least it seems that way to me. When I was a kid, we lived in the country and there was enough distance between houses to rule trick or treating out, even if it had been acceptable (there was a push back against adopting ‘American’ traditions/culture). I was in my third year of university before I went trick or treating for the first time (I was working as a live-in nanny for an American family), and living in Japan before I really got the Halloween bug. 

This year, I’m volunteering at the Ngaio Marsh house over the weekend, so I’ve had a pretty full day and am quite happy to be on door duty while my niece and nephew, their friends and my sister and her friend take them around the neighbourhood. It is my nephew Jack’s first experience trick or treating and he is hyped. 

Anyway, taking advantage of a momentary lull, The Lord and the Banshee is out! The book that nobody wants is on its way to your kindle, if you preordered, or is available for purchase on Amazon. If you are new to this series, this is not the one you want to start with. Apologies in advance! This was the story that wanted to be written. The next one will be happier!


Death is not the worst thing that can happen.

Thomas Cross, Lord of Foxwood, has received a double blow. The discovery of his terminal illness is followed immediately by the news that his longterm partner Pip is marked for death by the banshee of Connaught Castle. There is no cure for Cross’s condition, but there may be a way to save Pip—at the cost of his remaining time.

Recruiting his adopted son Julian to aid him, Cross travels to Ireland to free Pip from the banshee. As each successive encounter with the banshee leaves him closer to death, Cross grows more dependent on a dangerous fairy relic. But the gifts of the fair folk come at a price. What is the cost of Pip’s safety?

The Lord and the Banshee is the thirteenth in the series of Read by Candlelight gothic novellas featuring an ever-decreasing cast of LGBTQIA characters. Pairs well with chocolate and regret. Read now to hate everything.

Empowering gaslamp fantasy that confounds expectations

Gillian St. Kevern

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